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Carol Brown, Choreography & Direction
Marta Garrido, Neuroscientist
Jordine Cornish, Assistant Choreographer & Lead Dancer
Sunny Kim, Vocal & Movement Improvisation
Monica Lim, Composer & Interactive Designer
Russell Scoones, Co-composer
Silvia Shao, Costume Design
VCA Dance (Amy Addison, Zodie Bolic, Jacob Ware, Siobhan Henderson, Emily Roberts, Wendy Feng, Patrick O'Luanaigh

Video recording by Celeste de Clarions & Patrick Telfer

Developed for the opening of the Science Gallery Melbourne, this performance was repeatedly postponed with lockdowns and finally performed on 30 November 2021. Entitled Mental Spaces, the work branched out from our work with neuroscientific concepts in Mental Dances, serendipitously fitting in with the theme of the Gallery's first exhibition - MENTAL.


This work uses wearable sensors on the two lead performers' hands (Sunny Kim and Jordine Cornish), which are used to trigger and shape sound.


Thank you to the Science Gallery Melbourne and the University of Melbourne's Creativity and Wellbeing Research Initiative for supporting this project.

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